Best Nesting Box for Woodpeckers

The woodpecker is renowned for creating havoc and pinching other bird’s boxes. If they see a box that they want they think nothing of excavating a small hole to make it larger, to fit their hefty body through.  This is why you often see bird boxes with metal plates around the entrance holes, to deter … Read more

Best Bird Feeders (UK) 2023

Choosing the perfect feeding setup will encourage the most popular and colourful garden birds to visit your home. Look through our reviews of the best bird feeders available, that way you can make the most informed buying decision. Best Bird Feeders Natures Market Deluxe Steel Wild Bird Seed Feeder These enclosed bird feeders are absolutely … Read more

Best Bird Watching Telescope 2023 UK

The more I watch the birds in my garden, the greater my fascination and interest grow. Whilst the internet is fine for finding out random facts about particular species, nothing compares to watching their activity and admiring their markings and plumage at close quarters. The best bird watching telescope is a fantastic addition to any … Read more

Do Pigeons Mate for Life?

For many years, pigeons have been performing many functional tasks for humans. They differ in colors and forms. Not only are they lovely creatures, but they also possess some great abilities. Domesticating Pigeons Since they adapt easily to any type of environment, they can certainly be maintained in areas with a dense population. They can … Read more

Best Nesting Box for Blue Tits

It is difficult to try and attract a particular bird to nest in your garden, but by choosing the ideal nesting box, you increase your chances of catching the attention of a particular species. Common garden birds look for different features when searching for somewhere safe to hatch and raise their brood. The best nesting … Read more

Why Don’t We See Baby Pigeons?

I have many pigeon visitors to my garden most days. I really don’t mind as I have strategically positioned the feeders so they can’t get at them; well, most of them anyway! I leave kitchen scraps in a shallow tray on top of the garage; they seem happy with that; providing they beat the magpies … Read more

Best Bird Watching Log Book

I am never happier than when watching the bird activity in my garden, so much so that I often lose hours and let meals go cold! Yet, even with such devotion, there are occasional visitors to my garden that I don’t recognise. That’s where the best bird watching logbook comes to my assistance. It contains … Read more

Best Nesting Box For Robins

Robins are fiercely territorial birds and will do battle to protect their boundaries. Their chosen space is only around the size of a small garden, so if you have a regular robin visitor, you can safely assume that he has chosen your garden to make his home. Their decision is based on the proximity of … Read more

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