Which Birds Eat Peanuts

Peanuts are a staple of any bird feeder’s arsenal; they’re cheap, easy to refill, and seem to attract many different bird species. Have you ever stopped to notice which birds eat peanuts and if the smaller songbirds manage to get a look-in? It’s easier to discuss which birds DON’T eat peanuts, as most of our … Read more

What Berries do Birds Eat?

As autumn rolls around, the many shrubs and bushes in my garden come alive with countless berries. Their attractive shades of oranges, yellows, reds, and black entice birds, humans, and insects and decorate my garden like fairy lights on a Christmas tree. Berries are a vital source of nutrition to garden birds, especially in the … Read more

Bird Christmas Quiz 2021- Ornithology Quiz!

Everyone loves a good quiz, don’t they? Maybe it’s Christmas afternoon and you’re looking for something fun for all the family? Perhaps you’re on a Zoom call across the miles? You might even be one of my loyal readers who fancies taxing yourself, seeing just how many random bird facts you can remember. Whatever the … Read more

Where Have All The Birds Gone

One of the most frequent questions I’m asked is where have the garden birds disappeared to, and why are they no longer emptying my feeders? It is never more prevalent than during mid-late summer. Balmy evenings finally have a pleasant temperature to sit out and enjoy the company of our feathered friends – and there … Read more

Which Food is Harmful to Birds

Which food should birds not eat? Like me, so many people enjoy feeding the wild birds that visit our gardens. Pre-prepared seed mixes and suet balls are always a good idea, but isn’t it nice to give them the occasional treat from the kitchen? Not all human food is safe for our feathered friends, so … Read more

Are Bird Baths Good for Birds

I have two birdbaths in my garden; a small basic one and a larger pedestal-style model that is much more ornate. They both see lots of activity; my birds will bathe anywhere that has clean water. But, are birdbaths good for birds, or does cold water adversely affect their body temperature? Let’s take a closer … Read more

Which Birds have More than One Brood

Lots of our favourite garden birds have suffered a decline in population in recent years, often due to changes in farming methods, pesticides, and climate change. I know that some birds have more than one brood during each mating season to try and counteract the problem; you might be surprised to discover just how many … Read more

Which Birds are Corvids

Corvid is the collective term for the oscine passerines of the Corvidae genus – to you and me, members of the crow family. Oscine passerines are songbirds that perch to roost. Globally there are over 120 species of corvid, eight of which live in the British Isles. How to recognise a corvid bird Many of … Read more

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